Red Kidney Bean Seeds
About- Red Kidney Bean Seeds are a staple for North American gardeners. These beans produce mahogany red, kidney-shaped beans that can be baked, boiled, or added to soups and Ethnic dishes. Each pod contains around 5 beans, making them a convenient and popular choice for your garden.
When and Where to Plant- Direct seed when soil temperature is consistently above 60℉ in the spring and through the summer up until 12 weeks prior to your first fall frost. For best results plant seeds in a well prepared, weed free bed.
Care and Harvest- Grows best in a soil with a pH between 6 and 7, and light fertilization. Do not over fertilize as this will cause an overgrowth of foliage and not allow pods to form. Harvest when seeds are fully mature and pods begin to dry. Ensure that seeds are fully dry before storage. Once fully dry, beans will store for a long time!
Type- Bush Shell/Dried Bean
Planting Depth- 1-1 1/2"
Seed Spacing- 2"
Spacing Between Rows- 30-36"
Days to Germination- 5-8
Plant Spacing- 6"
Days to Maturity- 95
2 oz. Pack Sows- 20-25 foot row