Cinderella Pumpkin Seeds
About- This ornamental squash adds a colorful touch to autumnal retail displays. The flat, round-shaped fruit weighs around 10-15 lbs. and appears like a cheese wheel. Orange-hued flesh is sweet and can be baked like a pie. Gorgeous large heirloom pumpkins are flattened at the top and have deep ridges. Both edible and decorative!
When and Where to Plant- Plant outside after all chance of frost has passed and the soil temperature is above 65 F. Prefers heavily amended soils and full sun.
Care and Harvest- Water heavily 1-2 times per week. When vine begins to die and skin is tough, cut the pumpkin from the vine and allow to harden in the garden.
Planting Depth- 1"
Seed Spacing- 12"
Spacing Between Rows- 48-72"
Days to Germination- 7-10
Plant Spacing- 36"
Days to Maturity- 115
Approximate Seeds per Pkt- 6