Bee Feed Flower Mix
Seed Savers Exchange Packet
This blend of annual and perennial flowers provides nectar and pollen to wild bees, honey bees, and other pollinators. It is suited for use in maintained landscapes such as garden beds, borders, and managed meadows. The colorful early, mid and late-blooming flowers provide bee forage all season long. Suitable for short-tongued and long-tongued bees. Packet contains 1/4 oz. and covers up to 50 square feet.
Varieties include:
Forget-Me-Not, Chinese
Wallflower, Siberian
Poppy, California, Orange
Coneflower, Purple
Aster, China, Single Mix
Corn Poppy, Mixed
Coreopsis, Lance Leaved
Flax, Blue
Baby Blue-Eyes
Gilia, Globe
Indian Blanket
Coreopsis, Plains
Sweet Alyssum, Tall White
Hyssop, Lavender
Daisy, Fleabane
Aster, New England
You may sow the bee feed mix 1 to 2 weeks before your average last frost date. Mix the seed with some sand or sawdust, broadcast the seed, and then go over the area with a rake to work the seed into the soil a little.
MFG Part Number: 0100