Songbird Flower Seed Mix
About- Produces a colorful, natural looking habitat for wild songbirds. This easy-to-grow mix has both annuals and perennials and will attract a variety of birds to your garden.
When and Where to Plant- Direct sow in the spring once the danger of frost has passed. Mix seed with sand and scatter over desired area for even coverage.
Contains- Contains: Siberian Wallflower, Annual Candytuft, Rocket Larkspur, Gayfeather, Purple Coneflower, Blanketflower, China Aster (Single Mix), Cornflower (Polka Dot Mix), Poppy (California Orange), Indian Blanket, Scarlet Sage, Lance Leaved Coreopsis, Dwarf Godetia, Dwarf Plains Coreopsis, Lemon Mint, Butterfly Milkweed, Tall White Sweet Alyssum and Black-Eyed Susan.
Type- Annual & Perennial mix
Planting Depth- 1/4"
Days to Germination- 7-20
Plant Spacing- Scatter
Height- 24-60"
Approximate Seeds per Pkt.- 450
1/4 Oz. contains Approx.- 1,500+ seeds and will cover 50 sq. ft.
2 Oz. contains Approx.- 12,000+ seeds and will cover 500 sq. ft.