Tecomate Monster Mix
An ultimate “Do it All” mix. The best and most versatile wildlife mix in the food plot industry. Tecomate’s own premium clovers and chicory provide fall attraction for hunting plots and year-round nutrition for bigger & healthier deer. Monster Mix provides high-protein forage in late winter and early spring which is essential for antler development and continues production throughout spring and summer. Unmatched for year-round nutrition and attraction for whitetail deer. It is also the best choice to attract and hold turkeys. Tecomate® Monster Mix withstands heavy grazing and is suitable nationwide.
- Protein content: 22% to 28%
- Production for 3 to 5 years
- Great for attracting & holding turkeys
- Best on fertile, moist sites
Contents: King Ladino White Clover, Rackup Red Clover, Champion Chicory
Planting Time:
northern climates - spring or fall
southern climates - fall only
Seeding Rate:
4 lbs. plants 1/2 acre
8 lbs. plants 1 acre
25 lbs. plants 3 acres
Planting Depth: 1/8 to 1/4 inch