Honey Bee Pollinator Wildflower Mix
Lake Valley Value Seed Packet
(Annual/Perennial) This mixture is a blend of favorite nectar and pollen flowers for honeybees and will provide forage all season long. An ideal mix for honey beekeepers and farmers who need honeybees for the pollination of their crops. It can be planted along the perimeters of crop fields, in marginal cropland or along the edges of wildland areas. Height: 1-4 feet. A packet plants up to 45 square feet.
Mix contains, 14% Chinese Forget-Me-Not, 11% China Aster, 11% Siberian Wallflower, 7% Lance Leaved coreopsis, 7% California Poppy, 7% Purple Coneflower, 7% Perennial Gaillardia, 7% Gaura, 7% Corn Poppy, 7% Sweet Mignonette, 4% Dwarf Sulphur Cosmos, 4% Rocky Mountain Penstemon, 2% Spider Plant, 2% Lacy Phacelia, 1% White Upland Aster and less than 1% of each of the following. White Rockcress, Prairie Coneflower, French Marigold and Smooth Aster.
MFG Part Number: 4009