True Black Brandywine Tomato Seeds
About- This variety was developed in the late 1920s by Dr. Harold E. Martin near West Chester, PA. It is believed Dr. Martin crossed a Red Brandywine with the original Brown Beefsteak to develop this variety. The potato-leaf-shaped plant is known to produce extra-large, deeply-colored, sweet-flavored, black to purple tomatoes.
When and Where to Plant- Start indoors 8–10 weeks before your last frost. Transplant into well-drained soils in an area with full sun
Care and Harvest- Support with stakes or cages. Water frequently at the coolest part of the day. Harvest individual tomatoes as they ripen.
Growth Habit- Indeterminate
Planting Depth- 1/4"
Plant Spacing- 24 - 36"
Spacing Between Rows- 36" - 60"
Days to Germination- 7-14
Days to Maturity- 70-75 days from transplant
Approximate Seeds per Pkt- 100