What's in Bloom
Blueberries are blooming - YUM!
Brunnera macrophylla (False Forget-Me-Not) - Cheery blue flowers are great with bleeding heart.
Clematis montana - Almost ready to pop open!
Cornus florida 'Rubra' (Dogwood)
Dicentra spectabilis (Common Bleeding Heart) - This is an old favorite.
Erythronium 'Pagoda' (Dogtooth Violet) - This is a great woodland flower. Beautiful!
Heuchera villosa seedlings (Fall Blooming Coral Bells) - Wonderful color variations.
Mahonia aquifolium (Oregon Grape Holly)
Pachysandra procumbens (Allegheny Spurge) - This is our native Pachysandra. There are no pest or disease problems, plus wonderful mottled foliage.
Phlox subulata "Purple Beauty' (Moss Phlox) - Wonderful groundcover for full sun.
Purple Sage - This has overwintered in the garden for 3 years. Wonderful color.
Senecio aureus (Golden Ragwort) - Sunny yellow flowers over glossy dark green foliage. Prefers a moist site, but will tolerate average soil.
Can't forget the Strawberries. Small fruits will be here soon.
Viola labradorica (Labrador Violet) - Our little native violet with dark purple leaves.
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