Pepper Trials 2015
This season we included peppers in our trials - mainly because one of our old standard bell peppers is soon to be discontinued. In hopes of finding a suitable replacement, we planted out 11 varieties of sweet bell peppers.
5 stood out as being the sweetest with a good size: Double Up Hybrid, Red Bull Hybrid, King of the North, Galileo, and Zavory. Other varieties we tried included: Bell Boy Hybrid, Touchdown Hybrid, Bayonet Hybrid, Cutlass Hybrid, California Wonder and Chocolate Beauty. None of the varieties were awful in taste or size, but the first 5 were clearly the best.
Several other types of peppers were grown as well, so that our employees could see and taste first hand the product they are selling. Red Belt Hybrid and Mama Mia Giallo Hybrid are both long narrow types. These produce beautifully colored, large peppers. The two snack size types we tried were Orange You Sweet Hybrid and Yes To Yellow Hybrid. These peppers were the size of a small apple and very sweet.
Hot varieties we planted included: Mosquetero Hybrid (Poblano type), Cheyenne Hybrid (Cayenne type), MexibellHybrid (hot bell pepper), Early Jalapeno (a low heat jalapeno), and Black Olive (an ornamental with LOTS of heat). Several of our employees braved the selection of hot peppers with much enthusiasm.
Mama Mia Giallo Hybrid
Cheyenne Hybrid
Black Olive
Orange You Sweet Hybrid
5 stood out as being the sweetest with a good size: Double Up Hybrid, Red Bull Hybrid, King of the North, Galileo, and Zavory. Other varieties we tried included: Bell Boy Hybrid, Touchdown Hybrid, Bayonet Hybrid, Cutlass Hybrid, California Wonder and Chocolate Beauty. None of the varieties were awful in taste or size, but the first 5 were clearly the best.
Several other types of peppers were grown as well, so that our employees could see and taste first hand the product they are selling. Red Belt Hybrid and Mama Mia Giallo Hybrid are both long narrow types. These produce beautifully colored, large peppers. The two snack size types we tried were Orange You Sweet Hybrid and Yes To Yellow Hybrid. These peppers were the size of a small apple and very sweet.
Hot varieties we planted included: Mosquetero Hybrid (Poblano type), Cheyenne Hybrid (Cayenne type), MexibellHybrid (hot bell pepper), Early Jalapeno (a low heat jalapeno), and Black Olive (an ornamental with LOTS of heat). Several of our employees braved the selection of hot peppers with much enthusiasm.

Mama Mia Giallo Hybrid

Cheyenne Hybrid

Black Olive

Orange You Sweet Hybrid

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