Blue Hubbard Squash Seeds
About- This attractive winter squash produces fruit that grow to 15 pounds and have a blue-gray shell with sweet yellow-orange flesh. A thanksgiving favorite, this squash can be stored successfully for several months.
When and Where to Plant- Plant outside after all chance of frost has passed and the soil temperature is above 65 F degrees. Prefers heavily amended soils and full sun. To avoid downy mildew, water at the base of the plants.
Care and Harvest- Harvest winter squash near the end of the growing season and before the first frost. the skin should be tough and not easily pierced with your finger nail.
Planting Depth- 1"
Seed Spacing- 12"
Spacing Between Rows- 48-72"
Days to Germination- 7-14
Plant Spacing- 18-24"
Days to Maturity- 90-120
Approximate Seeds per Pkt- 10-15