Cheddar Hybrid Cauliflower Seeds
About- Bright orange even when cooked, this unique cauliflower makes a great addition to any garden. Dome shaped heads are around 8" across and weigh around 3 lbs.
When and Where to Plant- Start indoors and transplant outside 4-6 weeks before your last expected frost. Set plants out or direct sow seeds around the time of the last expected frost date. Choose an area in the garden that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight. The soil should be well-draining with a pH around 6.5. For a fall crop start seedlings in May and transplant in June-July.
Care and Harvest- Water often. Prefers well amended soils that are high in nutrients. To harvest, use a sharp knife to cut the stalk about 1" below the head.
Planting Depth- 1/4"
Days to Germination- 8-10
Seed Spacing- 6"
Plant Spacing- 18"
Spacing Between Rows- 24-36"
Days to Maturity- 60-70 days from transplant
Approximate Seeds per Pkt- 10-12